Important Things That Parents Should Do During Their Ward’s Exam Time
● Provide a suitable study environment : The first pillar for effective study for periods of examinations begins with your providing your child with an optimal study environment. This is not to aim at getting the quietest place so that distractions can be minimized, but this is to instill in the child a habit of study that is consistent and focused. Instead of forcing the child to achieve good marks, encourage your child right from the beginning to build a study routine that is compliant with the child’s own natural rhythm and capability. You support your child in developing the sense of being autonomous and in taking responsibility for their study journey.
● Identify good and bad stress : Students usually find the period of examinations as a stressful time, and in the course of it, the child’s mental and emotional well-being is extremely important. Watch your child’s physical, emotional, and psychological condition and react accordingly, proactively helping your child to deal with whatever distress may come your way. Help your child to build a sense of differentiation of stress which will propel him forward toward performing his best and stress which will somehow take him back into his well-being and performance. In case you find yourself in need, don’t hesitate to ask for help of professional helpers who may be in a position to help your child cope with problems of times of difficulties.
● Supervision on Time Management : Time management is a skill which needs to make or break preparations for exams. Encourage your child to become balanced between study, play, and rest. Encourage adequate sleep, which plays a crucial role in managing exam stress and improving his cognitive function. Help your child to devise a realistic study plan that takes into consideration rest and leisure. Do not let your child burn out from any of the above, maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
● Monitor the study plan and exam strategy : As a parent, you need to know how your child is doing in school. Actively communicate to the teachers and teachers to know his or her strengths and weaknesses and monitor his or her study plan and exam strategy accordingly. By monitoring your child’s progress and direction, you provide targeted support and guidance so that he or she stays on course toward his or her academic goals.
● Motivation and balanced expectations : It is easy to fall into the traps of comparison and unrealistic expectations. Instead of focusing on praising and rewarding the result of your child’s effort and persistence, not just the outcome, encourage your child to set realistic goals and reward his or her progress along the way. By growing a growth mindset and instilling an intrinsic motivation in your child, you empower him or her to own their learning journey and work on continuous improvement.
● Discuss and explain the reasons behind rules :Good communication will create trust and understanding between the parents and the children. Listen to your child and discuss and explain the rationale behind any rule or expectation set concerning exam preparation. Help your child understand that discipline, consistencies, and self-regulation are crucial in reaching the set academic goals. By making them part of the process and providing rationale behind your guidance, you empower them to make better-informed choices and take responsibility for their actions.
● Be consistent in your behaviour and approach : Parenting through exam times should be consistent and should keep your child aware of what to expect. Your child must feel the need for himself to handle things more readily. Be consistent, so your child should sense that you are very reliable and stable, which will reduce their anxiety and uncertainty.
Supporting your child through exam times requires patience, empathy, and resilience. Setting up the ideal study environment, identification and handling of stress, encouragement of effective time management, ensuring study progress and strategy, keeping motivation and balanced expectations, justifying the rationale of rules, and consistency in your approach all help your child navigate exams confidently and successfully. Remember that you are an invaluable part of your child’s academic journey and hence be available and supportive, and your child will learn from you.
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